Genomics in Cancer: Continuing to Push the Leading Edge

genomics in cancer - hannes smarason

Genomics is helping to prevent and treat cancer at an accelerating rate, supporting the goal of oncologists to dramatically improve cancer patient outcomes.

The progress in the use of genomics to help prevent and treat cancer continues to grow at a pace that is impressive. Indeed, there is expanded use of genomics to drive patient care and improve outcomes across an ever-expanding number of cancers by a growing number of oncologists.

Genomic Knowledge Can Clearly Drive Better Care

Applying genomics to cancer treatment is a powerful clinical application, as genomics can provide a window into how to best treat a patient’s particular cancer as it:

  1. may help better understand the genetics of the tumor itself, and
  2. can provide insight into how cancerous tumors may grow and spread over time.

With a genomic-based approach to cancer care, oncologists can more personally tailor anti-cancer treatments to an individual tumor’s mutations, thus molecularly targeting the specific cancer’s Achilles heel. Already, there are well-documented successes of molecularly targeted anti-cancer agents, such as cancer drugs that target certain genes—HER2, EFGR, ALK, and others.

In 2015, the pace of adoption of genomics in clinical oncology has advanced significantly. Recent evidence of the accelerating use of genomics to help fight cancer includes:

  • Evolving from ‘why’ to ‘how’ to use genomics at leading cancer centers. At the top cancer care facilities, genomics has become part of the programmatic approach to provide certain cancer patients with optimal care—care that is fundamentally designed to lead to the best outcomes. The question for leading medical centers globally has evolved over the last few years from “do we need genomics?” to “for which cancer types and at what stages of cancer treatment and diagnosis can we best use genomic sequencing and analysis?”—an evolution from “why?” to “how?” at a very fundamental level. The accelerating use and deployment of genomics by leading medical facilities validates that they are deriving significant value from genomics, and that value is resulting ultimately in meaningfully advancing better care for cancer patients.
  • Expanding potential applications of genomics within different types of cancers, broadening the types of cancers and tumors that can potentially benefit from genomics. Researchers and clinicians continue to publish a wealth of information validating the potential of genomics to improve outcomes in certain types of cancer patients. In 2015 alone, highlights of these advancements include certain prostate cancers, brain cancers, rare types of pediatric kidney cancers, and even potential targets in certain non-small cell lung cancers.
  • Broadening acceptance in cancer prevention. Driven in part by the education of oncologists and physicians generally and in part by the empowerment of knowledgeable patients, people are seeking and benefiting from genetic tests that reveal their personal risk for certain tumors (such as BRCA for breast or ovarian cancers). The idea of using genomic analysis to predict an individual’s cancer risk by comparing their genome with databases of confirmed genetic mutations linked to disease is—for certain individuals with specific family histories and genetics—driving appropriate medical decisions for patients who may be at high risk for certain cancers.
  • Powering clinical trials with genomics. The use of genomics in cancer clinical trials – whether for inclusion in data-gathering or even screening of patients—has gone from rare to commonplace over recent years, and is improving knowledge around the safety and efficacy of drugs in cancer and beyond. Two large-scale cancer trials have been initiated in 2015 with the bold goal of substantially advancing the understanding and use of genomics in cancer care. The anti-cancer treatments being tested in both trials were selected for their activity on a specific molecular target, independent of tumor location and histology. The two trials are actively enrolling and are (1) an American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)-sponsored study, called TAPUR (Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) and is called NCI-MATCH (Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice). These trials and any subsequent follow-on trials will doubtless provide insightful information to drive the growing use of genomics in improving cancer care.

In summary, genomics is helping to prevent and treat cancer at an accelerating rate, supporting the goal of oncologists to dramatically improve cancer patient outcomes. There are at least four frontiers where we can see substantial progress in the use of genomics in cancer care, including expanded use in leading medical centers, increased potential applications within cancer, widespread acceptance in cancer prevention, and an increase in the use of genomics within clinical trials. I am personally committed to continue to drive and accelerate this genomic revolution to continue to bring true progress in improving cancer care to patients in need globally.


Myriad and the Supreme Court: A Battle of Ownership in the Field of Genetic Testing

Supreme Court BRCA gene patent

The unanimous decision by the Supreme Court Justices to strike down patent claims by Myriad Genetics on the BRCA gene is a milestone that will greatly shape the future of the genetic testing industry and, in fact, accelerate progress toward the use of whole-genome sequencing for patients well beyond breast cancer.

Recently the Supreme Court struck down patent claims by Myriad Genetics on the BRCA gene. The Court ruled that while synthetically produced DNA may be patentable, isolated genomic DNA (gDNA), discovered in nature and separated from its environment in the cell, is not patent-eligible.

The unanimous decision by the Supreme Court Justices has significant implications for patients, physicians, and the health care and life sciences industries. In many ways, this is a milestone that will greatly shape the future of the genetic testing industry and, in fact, accelerate progress toward the use of whole-genome sequencing for patients well beyond breast cancer.

Within a day of the Court’s verdict, 10 companies announced their intention to compete with Myriad—and more are sure to follow, as BRCA has proven to be a very relevant gene for assessing risk levels, disease targets, and potential treatments.

While this industry flurry illustrates the potentially significant commercial opportunity here, the greater implication is that the landscape is beginning to shift toward sequence analysis on a genome-wide basis rather than on individual gene testing.

Because fundamentally, the gene-by-gene approach to genetic testing that would be necessary if individual companies had patents on certain genetic tests is un-economical and wasteful, compared with the scope of knowledge and insights to be gained from a whole-genome sequencing analysis. As evidenced by Myriad’s recent announcements to abandon individual BRCA testing by 2014, it seems they also acknowledge this trend.

Ultimately, then, the future of competition in genetic testing will be driven by the ever-improving tools for sequencing, managing genomic data, and manipulating large data sets—and not simply by patents on DNA sequences discovered in nature.

Angelina Jolie: Genetic Testing in the Mainstream Spotlight

angelina jolie genetic testing decision

Angelina Jolie is perhaps the first highly visible public figure to “endorse” the idea of gene screening and make a very personal, radical medical decision as a result.

The May 14 New York Times featured an op-ed from recognized actress Angelina Jolie, entitled “My Medical Choice.” The piece recapped why she had her genes sequenced, and why she made the decision to undergo prophylactic bilateral mastectomy upon finding that she carried a very high-risk mutation in her BRCA gene. That mutation gave her a high likelihood of getting the same type of cancer that killed her mother.

Ms. Jolie is perhaps the first highly visible public figure to “endorse” the idea of gene screening and make a very personal, radical medical decision as a result. Her decision is a poignant example of the recent trend toward consumer-driven healthcare, wherein consumers take on a partnership role with their doctor in making major decisions, informed by science, which will greatly impact their future.

This trend will only accelerate as more technologies like whole genome sequencing are developed to aid in the decision-making process. As consumers gain increased access to medical information, they are more proactively seeking solutions that work for their personal circumstances.

The challenge for all of us in the health care industry is to embrace this empowered patient—and to work with them to ensure that they are part of making the best decision for their individual situation.  Embracing patient empowerment implies new attitudes for physicians and health care providers, as well as new economic considerations for hospitals, insurance companies, and service providers.

It should be noted that Jolie was among the minority of the population who can currently afford to seek the data, information, and counsel she needed to help her make her medical choices based on her established family risks.

However, as technology evolves and expanded uses for genetic testing helps to drive industry-wide economies of scale, these types of tests will become more broadly available to everyone. Ultimately, these tests and the medical care that they enable will become a routine part of mainstream care for all.